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Randy Sharp is a director. She was born in New York City in April, 1963, and was raised in New York and London. She attended Simons Rock Early College and earned a degree in Theatre and English Literature. For the past ten years she has been the Artistic Director of Axis Company, whose production credits include the original works Frankenstein (2000), Oppenheimer (2002), In Token of My Admiration (2004), and Not Yet Diagnosed (Nervous), 1918 (2005), and revivals of Woyzeck (2000), Julius Caesar (2002), and A Glance at New York (2003 and 2007). Randy is also the writer-director of the independent feature film, Henry May Long (2008), which won the Audience Award for Best Drama at the 2008 Independent Features Film Festival, the Best Feature Award at the 2008 Sacramento International Film Festival, and the Best Drama Award at the 2008 Buffalo Niagara Film Festival. She also received the Best Director Award at the 2008 Long Island International Film Expo. She lives in New York City. Her play Hospital is published in NYTE's Plays and Playwrights 2009.
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Down There
Over the course of several months in 1965, the 16 year-old Sylvia Likens was tortured and killed in the Indiana home of Gertrude Baniszewski, whose family carved the words "I am a prostitute and proud of it" into the girl's abdomen, among numerous other acts of abuse. This murder is the focus of Down There, a new play written and directed by Randy Sharp and produced by Axis Company. Rather than attempting to re-create the violence-something better left to media like television and film, aside from it simply being far less interesting to Sharp-Down There explores how these gruesome acts could have happened, and what they might have felt like to their perpetrators as well as their victim.
- nytheatre.com
1st Produced:
Axis Theater1 Sheridan Square, New York, NY 10014 18 Sep 2010
Axis Company
1st Published:
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Male: 5  Female: 3  Other: -
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Hospital 2006
written by Randy Sharp And Axis Company
1st Produced:
Axis Theatre Company
1st Published:
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Hospital 2008

Axis Company presents the ninth installment of its annual Hospital serial, an episodic play that examines the interior life of a man in a terminal coma. The audience travels with him as he lives out his last few days roaming the vast, dark interiors of his own brain. Although Hospital is a serial play, each evening can be viewed separately as a self-contained, short play. This description of the 2008 edition is from the press release: "New York runs on water. From the steam system that heats and electrifies the five boroughs, to the water that flows from millions of taps, without water there is no city. Currently, only two tunnels provide all this water; Tunnel 1 was completed in 1917 and even the newest sections of Tunnel 2 are at least 73 years old. Begun in 1970, Water Tunnel 3's projected completion date is in 2020. As far underground as the Chrysler Building is tall, teams of 'sandhogs' risk their lives digging the path for this tunnel. Every day, far down beneath the feet of all New Yorkers, below the subway and the sewer, the sandhogs live their days in a dangerous, subterranean universe. Hospital 2008 takes place in the aftermath of a catastrophic collapse of part of this tunnel. Three men are trapped beneath the city streets, in a part of the system that is unrecognizable to them. As they attempt to find their individual ways back to the surface, it becomes clear that something beyond normal comprehension may have occurred deep beneath the capitol of the world."
- nytheatre.com
written by Randy Sharp And Axis Company
1st Produced:
Axis Theatre Company
1st Published:
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episodic play
Male: 11  Female: 3  Other: -
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Hospital 2009
Axis Company's episodic multimedia play Hospital examines the interior life of a man in a terminal coma. Entering this state in a different way every year, the audience travels with him as he lives out his last few days roaming the vast, dark interiors of his own brain. Although Hospital is a serial play, each evening can be viewed separately as a self-contained, short play. In Hospital 2009, an astronaut is sitting listening to music in the NOMAD, an escape pod connected to the mothership EARHART. When he accidentally releases the connector arm, his tiny ship hurtles uncontrollably into space. There is the possibility that he has sustained a life threatening brain injury during the accident, but his consciousness is travelling in the void. Waiting for rescue, the astronaut is visited by friends and memories. He thinks he might even be back on Earth, but then he finds himself travelling to destinations not on NASA's flight plan. The final journey of the possibly comatose astronaut, who might be in his apartment after all, is played out against the backdrop of one human being's heart-breaking spirit.
written by Randy Sharp And Axis Company
1st Produced:
Axis Company
1st Published:
- -
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episodic play
Male: 9  Female: 4  Other: -
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Hospital 2010
written by Randy Sharp And Axis Company
1st Produced:
Axis Company
1st Published:
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episodic play
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Hospital 2011
While most audience members return to see multiple, if not all four, parts of the summer's production, each episode is a self-contained short play that can be seen in isolation. Each annual production of Hospital has a new protagonist, who enters a coma in a different way. This year's iteration imagines a young grade school teacher with epilepsy who has grown tired of taking the deadening medicine she requires to live normally. Accepting the risk of a major seizure, she stops taking the pills. On a much-anticipated date the following night, she goes up to the roof to look at the night skyline in the beginnings of a summer storm. Her companion briefly leaves her, and she has a serious epileptic event, slipping from the roof and falling to the pavement below. Once in a coma, she travels through the vast, dark interiors of her dying mind, utilizing dream-like characters from her class subjects, distant memory and imagination to guide her to the end.
written by Randy Sharp And Axis Company. Axis Company's episodic play Hospital, About the interior life of A person in A terminal coma, is something of A signature for the company, which has produced A new installment of the drama nearly every year since 1997. Conceived, written And directed by Randy Sharp, the show is A summer downtown phenomenon beloved for its balance of horror, humor, And weirdness.
1st Produced:
Axis Company
1st Published:
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episodic play
Male: -  Female: -  Other: cast of 14
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Last Man Club
Last Man Club is about one of the desolate families who stayed behind during the Dust Bowl in the 1930s. With no one else around for a hundred miles, Major's busted family lives in a one room dugout as he tries to reconcile himself to the fact that his own kin has taken the money and run. Out of the biggest storm in the history of the Dust Bowl200 miles wide, 15,000 feet highcome two desperate men promising a way out. Their visit is a welcome break in the grinding routine of storm/quiet/storm/quiet that Wishful Hi, Saromybride and Uncle Pogord have endured under Majors iron, heartbroken hand. But did his brother really get out and away? Who are these people? Where'd that money come from? Will the machine work? Are there lights in the sky?
- nytheatre.com
1st Produced:
Axis Theater1 Sheridan Square, New York, NY 10014 04 Oct 2012
Axis Theatre Company
1st Published:
- -
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Male: 4  Female: 2  Other: -
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Seven In One Blow, or The Brave Little Kid
a holiday pntomime for kids based on the Brothers Grimm tale
written by Randy Sharp And Axis Company. Adapted from The Brothers Grimm
1st Produced:
Axis Theatre Co.
1st Published:
Dramatists Play Service, NY, 2007 -
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Youth Audience
Male: 6  Female: 4  Other: -
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