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Literary Agent:
Richard Joseph
Artist-In-Residence, Vantage Theatre. Playwright: Orpheus Rox, Cadenza: Mozart's Last Year, the Holy Man, the Painting (translation). Director: Ionesco's the Painting ("Billie" Award); Cocteau's Wedding on the Eiffel Tower (AASD: Best Production/Direction, "Billie" Awards); the Ventriloquist's Wife (multiple AASD awards), the Actor's Nightmare (AASD award), World-Premieres: Orpheus Rox ("Critics Pick-99"), the Ally Way, School of the World, Cadenza: Mozart's Last Year("Critics Pick") .
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Cadenza: Mozart's Last Year
In Mozart's time, the Enlightenment was flourishing, and Freemasonry was a flash point for the intellectual elite on both sides of the Atlantic. the writers Voltaire, Diderot, and Claude St. Martin were all Masons, as were statesmen Washington, Franklin, Paine, and Jefferson, composers Haydn and Beethoven, the mysterious occultist Cagliostro, and the even more mysterious Comte de St. Germaine. Mozart joined in 1784 and rapidly ascended to the Master Mason degree, under the tutelage of Master Ignatz von Born, the greatest spiritual teacher in Vienna at the time. Emperor Joseph II left the Masons in relative peace, but upon his death, the secret police began a campaign designed to rid Austria of Freemasonry. Mozart and fellow-mason Emanuele Shikenader risked a long shot-- to save the Craft by an allegorical opera, the Magic Flute. the result is one of the greatest musical achievements of all time. It begins with the hero, Tamino, who is sent by the Queen of the Night on what he believes to be a mission of honor to rescue her daughter (Pamina) who was supposedly abducted by Sarastro, her father. It turns out that the Queen was not the wronged party, but a selfish and evil witch who uses the "mission" as a means of seeking revenge on Sarastro, who is actually the High Priest of the Temple of Wisdom to which Tamino and Pamina are eventually admitted. WAS MOZART POISONED? In the 200+ years since Mozart died, there has been endless speculation on what killed the 35 yr old genius. Some, including Beethoven for a short time, believed that he was poisoned either by a jealous Salieri or by enraged Masons who opposed the public sharing of their secret rituals and traditions. While Mozart's terminal symptoms of extreme swelling, vomiting, fever, rashes, convulsions, delirium and severe pain can be explained by trichinosis, poisoning, and other causes, the most compelling theory is that the composer succumbed to Schonlein-Henoch syndrome, a late complication of Rheumatic fever, a condition from which Mozart is well-known to have suffered since childhood. Thus, the greatest tragedy in music history could have been prevented by a simple shot of Penicillin.
How I came to write Cadenza. Several factors came together All At once. It was Mozart's 250th Anniversary. I had been thinking About writing something dealing with death for some time. then I thought About Mozart's death, And I started researching it. When visiting my daughter At Princeton University, I found myself At the Art museum where I encountered A visiting exhibition entitled "Images of Death." Even though the images were from different periods of history, the thing they had in common was that they All portrayed death As being something ugly And grotesque. My research showed that Mozart's death was Also very painful And ugly, but I started to look At it from A different vantage point And thought, "What if Mozart could have used his creative genius to transform death into something beautiful, And if so, how?" It All came together when modern Physics entered into the mix. By happy coincidence, I stumbled upon the newest "theory of Everything" (M-theory), new theories of time And causality, And the recent discovery of the 11th dimension. I was Astounded to find that the most Advanced minds in modern science were sounding more And more like the mystics of Ancient history (and Freemasons of Mozart's time) every day. their new ideas suggested A key by which Mozart could reach his goal. In the play, I have Attempted to make connections between music, history, science, And spirituality. In so doing, I was tremendously excited by these concepts And the boundless beauty of Mozart's late music.
1st Produced:
Centro Theatre, Balboa Park, San Diego, Ca
05 Oct 2007
Vantage Theatre
1st Published:
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Male: 7 Female: 4 Other: Mozart's Dream (film) 2 actors; doubling
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Holy Man, The
the story centers around an unassuming hermit named Joe who finds himself gradually becoming famous as a "Holy Man." Each summer, thousands of pilgrims spend months on a long line up to Joe's hermitage, located on a remote mountaintop. Each has her own unique story and problem for which they wish to see the holy man. Several subplots develop. In addition to the pilgrims themselves, there is the Drama of the line itself. Joe has a small group of monks who live with him, and they all have their own issues to grapple with. Finally, there is the story of Joe himself, who realizes that he is old and sick and is desperate to find a proper successor to continue his work.
Vantage theatre today Announced An Agreement between Susan Trott, Author of the best-selling "Holy Man" novels, And A pair of San Diego playwrights to Adapt the popular stories for the stage. Robert Salerno, Author of last season's "Orpheus Rox," And Vantage Artistic Director Dori Salois will collaborate on the Dramatization, which is slated for production early next year. the playwrights Are excited to enter into this project on the cusp of the millennium. According to Salerno. "the Holy Man And the Holy Man's Journey offer A combination of wisdom, charm, And A captivating story. Additionally, this saga suggests many interesting possibilities for exploring the form-content relationship within the theatrical millieu. there is A good balance between conflict And serenity, Drama And humor-- Always seeking the "middle way" or balance point where Action And stillness can become one through transcendence of their dichotomy." Salois Adds, "Vantage has Always taken An interest in new theatrical works that can open people's eyes And hearts. We Are grateful to have this opportunity to facilitate the development of this exciting project."
1st Produced:
St Pauls, San Diego, Ca
01 Mar 2000
NewWorks/Vantage Theatre
1st Published:
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Male: 10 Female: 7 Other: -
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Ionesco's the Painting-a new original translation
A wealthy patron and a starving artist's linguistic slapstick sends-up both the bourgeoisie and the art world.
C'est L'Absurd! the Painting, one of Ionesco's earliest works, was written At Another time of great post-war turmoil. It harkens back to the Anti-realistic styles of Jarry, Apollinaire, And Cocteau. Ionesco likened pure theatre to A sporting match with "live Antagonism, dynamic conflict, And motiveless clash of opposing wills." the Painting concerns A wealthy patron of the Arts And A starving Artist who engage in A kind of linguistic And Aesthetic slapstick that is hilariously Acerbic, sending up not only the bourgeoisie, but the Art world As well. Ionesco exposes the ugly power differential created by circumstances of wealth And gender within the Absurd landscape of his vision of modern life. That he does so with such hilarity And lightness is truly remarkable.- --Robert Salerno
1st Produced:
San Diego Repertory Theatre Company
07 Mar 2004
NewWorks/Vantage Theatre
1st Published:
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Absurdist Comedy
Male: 1 or 2 Female: 3 or 4 Other: -
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Orpheus Rox (mythology meets the 60's)
the love story of Orpheus and Eurydice serves as a metaphor for the archetypal theme of the loss of innocence. the hero, like the flower power culture of the 60's, loses the innocence of his original vision and eventually succumbs to the dissipation of drugs, which leads to his ultimate downfall. To regain his love, he must go through the hell of drug rehab. But he stumbles again, and tragedy ensues. there is redemption, however. In the Epilogue, we are given a universal message of hope for the millennium: Human beings and cultures alike cycle through experiences which involve self-consciousness shattering the blissful illusions of the innocent state, in order to evolve to a higher level of understanding and awareness. Pain is inevitably involved, but-- in the end-- hope ever leads us to fearlessly enter the darkness of nether regions to regain the light.
A rock superstar loses the innocence of his original vision simultaneously with the culture's loss of its ideals, As the 1960's devolve into the 80's. the play retells the Archetypal Orpheus myth within the context of 1960's-1980's America. the hero is A rock star who is chosen by the god Apollo to introduce A cultural renaissance into the spiritually barren cold war society of the late 1960's. It is to be A new "Golden Age" for the Earth, based on An expanded vision of the nature of human existence And the principles of universal human brotherhood, harmony, And tolerance. Structurally, the play contains A unique dynamic equilibrium between three distinct elements. First, the Action onstage represents the life of the 60's rock star. Second, the Gods, located on An elevated platform, serve As A kind of chorus-commenting And wagering on the Action, As they constantly bicker Among themselves. We see the mighty struggle between Dionysus And Apollo, who battle each other by manipulating events on Earth. Finally, there is the video element. This is used to depict historical events As well As A series of prophetic dreams, sent to the hero by Apollo, in which Orpheus re-enacts the Archetypal Greek myth. these serve to refresh the Audience's recollection of the Ancient myth And foretell events of the play's modern Action on stage. At one point, Orpheus becomes unable to distinguish dream from reality, And Action is portrayed simultaneously onstage And on multiple video monitors placed throughout the theater. Familiar song fragments from the era (with their emotionally potent sense memories) Are employed to support And enhance the Dramatic Action.
1st Produced:
World Beat Cultural Center, Balboa Park, San Diego, Ca
NewWorks/Vantage Theatre
1st Published:
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Drama with multimedia and multisensory input
Male: 19 Female: 10 Other: doubling possible; Audience participation
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Wedding on the Eiffel Tower
Bourgeois society, technology and war
Original Playwright - Jean Cocteau
1st Produced:
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