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James Baker



Nationality:    Welsh
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Literary Agent:    n/a

Making up for lost time James has immersed himself in the Arts scene in Aberystwyth, completing a course in Performing Arts at Coleg Ceredigion with the highest grades possible, while regularly performing extracurricularly. Since completing the course James has Acted, Danced, devised Performance Art pieces and begun performing his own Stand-Up Comedy material. A regular fixture at Aberystwyth-based company Scriptography Production's Response Time events, creating performance in response to Art Galleries over 48 hours, James has developed his personal style and carved himself a reputation for high-energy, comedic performances. James Baker is a genius said Guy O'Donnell, co-ordinator of Sherman Cymru's Young Critics scheme, after seeing James perform in Cardiff in October and December 2014 in Response Time events responding to the Artes Mundi exhibition

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below is a list of James Baker's plays - click on a Play Title for more information

        Now Listen to Me Very Carefully         You Have To Be Mad To Work Here

Now Listen to Me Very Carefully

A semi-autobiographical piece about Andy's obsession with the film Terminator 2, which he estimates he has watched roughly 220 times in his lifetime. Using tools of stand-up comedy, storytelling and participatory elements, Andy will retell his story of Terminator 2. Which is pretty much the same as the film. But also about obsession, growing up with movies, and some unresolved issues about time travel and sequels. Each audience member will be given a character of their own, since the film has more than enough to go around, and Andy - with the audience's help - will re-tell the story together ...this could end up being quite a funny story.

conceived by Andy Roberts and James Baker

1st Produced:

Bootworks Theatre Collective

1st Published:
-   -


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devised comedy 75 min

Male:  1            Female:  -            Other:  -

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You Have To Be Mad To Work Here

Ceredigion based artist James Baker is a recovering alcoholic, a sufferer of depression and a performer, and he's made his debut show about just that. You Have To Be Mad To Work Here And It Doesn't Even Help is a blend of stand-up comedy, acting, and physical theatre investigating the link between creativity, the artistic temperament, mental health and issues around addiction. This is not just a personal story, however, though his experiences put him in an ideal position to explore the thorny topics of addiction and mental health issues, as James blends academic research and the experiences of other artists he's been lucky enough to talk to into the mix.


1st Produced:


1st Published:
-   -


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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies



Male:  1            Female:  -            Other:  -

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